How do I register to play on the team?

Please show up to practice! To be an official part of the team:

The player will need a physical on file with the school, which can be found here. This can be turned in to Mr Sullivan in the main office.

The player will also need to fill out the registration form found here.

That's it!

What do I need to play?

Racket- These can be bought locally at somewhere like Dicks Sporting Goods or Walmart, however the tennis-specific sites online have much better rackets. 

For beginners most adult-sized rackets will be fine, until you develop your game to where a more advanced racket might help.

Water Bottle- Please bring one large enough to get through a match without needing refills, as that is not always possible.

Uniform- These are ordered every year by the team in the first few weeks.

Shorts/Tennis Skirts- Please have shorts that don't clash with the school colors too badly, and they MUST have somewhere to store at least one tennis ball.

Sweater- We do have a team sweater; you will most likely want a sweater or jacket as it's not always nice out!

Where are the practices and home matches?

Our four courts are located at Viking Elementary School. We are the only D1 school in the state with only four courts. JV Home matches are at Deerwood.

How does my player get to there after school? 

Historically players drive, give each other rides there, or they can take a nearby school bus after they get approval from the coach/AD

Who is in our sectional?

Where can I learn the rules of tennis?

The best place to look anything up is probably here:

Don't be afraid to ask the coaches questions!

Who is in our conference?

We are in the MVC Conference, the teams are listed here:
Mississippi Valley Conference (Wisconsin) - Wikipedia

What do we do if the weather is bad?

For practice days, we are often able to get gym time in the new Gym D where we have a full-size tennis court. Please be prepared to play inside on bad weather days and bring your gear to school.

Match days are often either delayed or rescheduled. The coaches will do our best to keep you updated, however these calls are often made day of, a few hours before.

Can you fix my broken racket?

We are able to get rackets restrung, and usually fix grommets at a minimal cost. Please talk to the coaches for more info on this.

A racket which is developing cracks is not repairable and should not be restrung.